Hi, I'm Olivia. Im a 20 year old girl from a small village outside Cork and moved to the city for my first ever corporate job. I have two schnauzers at home, Milo and Lucca, and I miss them so much while I'm in the city during the week. The highlight of my week is going home to see them at the weekend. My parents got Milo and Lucca during Covid as they found I struggled with my mental health and there were definitely right! Although I still struggle mentally, Milo and Lucca have made my life so much better. I would really love to walk dogs after work as I have no social life and struggle to make friends. Walking your dog would really make me happy and would give me a purpose not to just go to sleep when I come home at 5pm. I would walk them for at least 30 minutes or however long you want me to walk them for. I'd happily dog sit in your house overnight. If you have any other questions please let me know. I can't wait to hear from you!!